Mentoring Programmes

Mentoring describes a developmental relationship between a more experienced individual (a mentor) and a less experienced partner, ( a mentee). Through regular interactions (face-to-face, on the phone or by email), the mentee utilises the mentor’s experience and guidance to gain skills, perspective and experience.


We support organisations in the design and management of all elements of their mentoring initiatives by:

  • Helping them clarify their programme goals and success measures
  • Providing training for both mentors and mentees
  • Continuing support for participants
  • Programme measurement and review


“We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.”
Winston Churchill

What are the organisational benefits of mentoring?

  • Easier recruitment of talent
  • Faster induction of new recruits
  • Improved retention of employees
  • Improved performance of individuals and team
  • Increased effectiveness of formal training
  • Reinforcement of organisational development initiatives and change
  • Reinforcement of other learning practices

What are the benefits to the mentee?

  • Developing a broader perspective for sound decision making
  • Access to new resources and the opportunity to build and strengthen networks
  • The opportunity to become more effective and politically savvy
  • The chance to take ownership of their growth and development
  • Customized, real-time development that is unmatched by MBA programs, executive coaching and other approaches.

Contact Details


The Coaching and Mentoring Partnership
Maryville, Ardbrugh Road, Dalkey